What are Emotion Coaching Interest Groups?

These are regionally held meeting where practitioners, settings and organisations who are on or starting their Emotion Coaching journey, come together to network, share practice and promote CPD.
In 2019, Marianne Doonan, one of ECUK’s Lead Practitioner Trainers, came up with the idea and successfully created the first Emotion Coaching Interest Group in the NE of England. Regional Emotion Coaching Interest Group meetings are a new and exciting idea driven by practitioners for practitioners. There is no set format to their structure or content, rather they are emerging and evolving to reflect regional interest and needs.
Who runs the Emotion Coaching Interest Group meetings?
The Groups are run by those who are familiar with Emotion Coaching and practice experience. The aim is to provide an independent, regional based forum to connect Emotion Coaching practitioners to share, build and sustain good practice and ideas. Group Leads organise, structure and manage the meetings and ECUK support through attending the meetings (whenever possible); offering resource updates; sharing updates about ongoing Emotion Coaching research and initiatives; and through the ECUK newsletter sharing the interest groups news with the wider ECUK community.
Where are the Emotion Coaching Interest Groups and when do they meet?

Currently, there is one established group in the NE of England led by Marianne Doonan. This has met twice, and the next meeting is planned for May 15, 2020. Unfortunately, because participant numbers are limited by the size of the venue, the meeting is now full. However, you can contact Marianne (email available on the ECUK website) for information about future meetings.

Another is about to be launched in the NW of England (Manchester)
The first NW Emotion Coaching Interest Group meeting is to be held on Thursday 26th March in Manchester. Francesca Heffernan, Educational Psychologist at Applied Psychology and Alan Braven, Head teacher of Castlefield Campus, the Endeavour Federation, are leading this group. Please see their invite to join them below:
Dear professionals involved / interested in Emotion Coaching
We are looking to start an Emotion Coaching interest group in the North West area. The aim of the group is to provide professionals with a forum in which to share ideas and good practice, continue professional development around Emotion Coaching, support each other and reflect together.
We would like to invite any interested professionals to our first session which will be held on Thursday 26th March from 2pm – 5pm at The Endeavour Federation, Castlefield Campus, Jackson Crescent, Manchester M15 5AL.
If you would like to attend or have any queries please contact Francesca.heffernan@appliedpsychologies.com. It would also help if you could share your job title and area you are travelling from as this will help us plan this and future sessions. We are keen for any interested professionals to attend and would kindly request individuals respond by Monday 2nd March in order to ensure we have an appropriate space for the meeting.