Here are the highlights of the NW Interest Group meeting that took place on the 15th June 2022 (online).

Licette Gus, shared information about current research and projects being carried out by Emotion Coaching UK.
Licette reported that Dr Louise Gilbert has set up a research interest group which is open to anyone interested in or involved in Emotion Coaching research. More information is available here:
It was noted that the online version of the EC 2-Day Core Training is working well in terms of accessibility and inclusivity. Trainings have also occurred in Wales and Ireland. The ECUK team have also trained some members of the Auckland education department and the Maori support staff felt that the apporach fits well with Maori culture.
The SEMH project in Oldham and EC training in Staffordshire virtual school is continuing.
New Emotion Coaching videos will soon be available on the website. These have been made with the support of Geese Theatre Company.
Licette is developing a school staff induction program to support schools in their EC aims. ECUK would encourage schools to complete EC induction with new staff within 3 months of them starting.
An EC Parenting course has been shared with EC organisations. ECUK is looking at how this can be shared with practitioner trainers in the future.
Licette is also developing a 1-Day level 2 EC training as an extension for people with initial training in EC. Licette is hoping this will be available from Sept/Oct 2022.
ECUK has a continuing aim to support the implementation of EC in schools using the EC Model Of Engagement (pictured above).
In the Q&A time, Licette shared the history of the EC 'steps' and explained that ECUK's original framework of use had adopted a 3-step model. However, practical evidence suggested that Step 1 needed to be separated into 2 steps to encourage adults to spend more time connecting to the feelings underneath the behaviour and empathising in the first instance.
Emma Smith shared information about her Trainee Educational Psychology research (qualitative interviews with secondary school teachers who have had EC training prior to this academic year). Emma put out a request for any interested participants to contact her via email:
Alan Braven (Executive Head Teacher Endeavour Schools) shared a presentation about the Education Department's White Paper and a view to all schools being part of a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT). Alan spoke about the tension in philosophical viewpoints between behaviourism as advocated by practitioners such as Tom Bennett, and relational approaches such as Emotion Coaching . Alan and Anthony Benedict (Head Teacher of a Pupil Referral Unit are hoping to set up a MAT which has a relational-EC vision. Alan and Anthony need more schools to develop a trust and are discussing this with the regional commissioner in September. Alan and Anthony are keen to speak to any schools interested in joining. Do contact Alan at if you are interested or for more information. Alan would also like to include links to good practice around using a relational approach in schools on the school’s website. Any links please do contact Alan.
There was discussion about the difficulty of putting the fourth EC step (problem solving with the child or young person) into practice. The group discussed ways this can be done. Ideas included: restorative approaches, the principle of two pillars: what would you do differently? How can you repair the harm? The group also discussed the importance of adults implementing EC having the opportunity / time / space to self-regulate before co-regulating with children and how a relational approach needs to focus on adults’ needs as well as children’s needs in order to be effective. Anthony Benedict spoke about this with regards his work; an upcoming project focussing on supporting staff to reflect on their window of tolerance and personal triggers in order to enable them to implement EC more supportively.
Signposting mentioned:
· Dr Luke Roberts from Resolve for Restorative Approaches training.
· Carr Manor School (successfully operates a whole school restorative approach and offers immersion days to school staff).
· for any interested attendees to complete a national survey about ‘managing behaviour’. Deadline Friday 24th June 2022.