The North East (NE) Emotion Coaching Interest Group kicked off again 10th May 2024. It was an inspirational, interesting and informative session for all!
North Yorkshire (NY) hosted the event, facilitated by Amy Howe, Assistant Head in North Yorkshire Virtual Schools and Nicola O’Driscoll, Virtual School Senior Specialist EP.
Settings from across the age ranges, representing a wide range of children’s needs and across the regional area came together for a lively discussion. Collaborative work and commitment to Emotion Coaching was clearly evident.
Louise Gilbert, ECUK co-founder, introduced Emotion Coaching- talking about the process and the product- which was great for those new to the area and a refresher for others.
We heard about research from Kirklees from Emma Smith whose project involved secondary schools, and what supported and hindered Emotion Coaching practice.
This led onto a group discussion, coordinated by Nicola Driscoll, on how as Emotion Coaching champions, we can think to use Emotion Coaching to support: transitions and difficult conversations in educational and community settings; in relational Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) works, and how we can work together in the development of policies and sharing work.
Northumberland Educational Psychologists are committed to taking Emotion Coaching further, and there was a general consensus that participants would like to see more discussion and action on Emotion Coaching interventions and secondary schools.
Ideas from ECUK website were shared to develop resources in schools and tools for professionals. Check out the ECUK website for EC in action, videos and training offers.
Craven and Mowbray schools ( directed us all to their websites to see their own journey into Emotion Coaching- and sharing did not stop there, with Mowbray school inviting Louise Gilbert to the school to develop their work (more on that later!).
Thanks to all who attended, it was a great meeting and…
The next meeting is online, Friday 4th October
Hope to see you there.
