In March 2022, nearly 50 teachers and parents in Turkey attended the second online Emotion Coaching training workshop presented by DR NALAN KURU, an ECUK Practitioner Trainer.

The session was opened by ECUK's Dr Louise Gilbert who shared some of the research experiences that have contributed to the growing evidence base for the use of Emotion Coaching (EC) in schools and community settings.
Louise shared the EC Model Of Engagement that identifies the incrementally staged integration of EC into everyday practice. The model can also be used as a tool to audit and monitor progress. A research Q&A followed.
Participants shared reflections of EC in their personal lives, professional settings, and classroom practice. Teachers observed that EC was an effective approach to support communication in classroom management. Some teachers had participated in an e-twinning projects, organised by the Ministry of National Education, Turkey. This project focused on developing emotion-friendly approaches - with some teachers receiving awards for their project contributions.
The positive experiences shared by parent/carer participants using Emotion Coaching with their children at home, highlighted the adaptability of EC in relationships with children, in both personal and professional settings.
Dr. Nalan Kuru and her team introduced participants to a new resource, the book "Health and Well-Being in Early Childhood". This was originally written in 2015 by founders of ECUK and has been translated into Turkish under the editorship of Dr Nalan Kuru, Dr Serap Erdogan and Dr Bulent Madi.
A new Institute has been created: 'Emotion Friendly Education Association and Emotion Coaching Institute of Turkey'. They held their first Emotion Friendly Education Awareness Day on 1st June and were pleased with the response across the country.
Dr. Nalan Kuru and her team’s research project “A Model Proposal to Support Sustainable Emotional and Behavioural Well-Being in Early Childhood: Emotion Friendly Kindergartens” has been awarded funding by the Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) (one of three out of out of 1500 proposals). ECUK are involved as the overseas consultant in the 2-year project.
Can Kardeş Kreş Kindergarten ( has become an EC Accredited Organisation. All staff receive training and support to use Emotion Coaching with the students.
Stay tuned for more news about Emotion Coaching in Turkey!